Here you can find selected posters of our group, presented at conferences we attended. You can select the year on the left & for further reading directly click on the image.
U. Yilmaz, E. Sehn, Y. Zhang, B. Lendl, G. Ramer, G. V. B. Lukasievicz
Sub-nanoscale surface displacement detection in thin films using mid-IR photothermal- mirror spectroscopy & – scanning probe microscopy
22nd International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Coimbra, Portugal
U. Yilmaz, B. Lendl & G. Ramer
Organic-inorganic perovskites – chemical mapping and spectroscopy at the nanoscale with AFM-IR
12th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, Krakow, Poland
Akhgar, C. K., Ebner, J., Alcaraz, M. R., Kopp, J., Goicoechea, H., Spadiut, O., Schwaighofer, A., & Lendl, B.
Hyphenation of Preparative Liquid Chromatography to Laser-Based Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy for Monitoring of Proteins in Chromatographic Effluents
17th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, Ghent, Belgium